I get asked a lot what I read and consume to improve my knowledge.
I’m always conscious however of what can be (quite rightly) perceived as virtue signalling. “Look at all the amazing content I’m consuming on a weekly basis!”
However, as I reflected on the subscriptions, newsletters and blogs I consume, I thought it may be useful to do a mini-routine audit of the content I try to consume on a daily, weekly and/or monthly basis. I’d love to hear your recommendations too.
🎧 DCEO with Steven Bartlett: Some think Steven is a bit marmite. Not me. I think he’s a brilliant interviewer with some of the best author guests providing insightful and life-changing analysis.
📚 Derek Thompson at Atlantic: Derek wrote a fantastic book called Hit Makers which I would highly recommend. He also writes on everything from AI, changing working habits to pandemics and industrial change.
📚 Economist (30 day free trial): I have a lot of history with The Economist. The publication helped me through university exams, job interviews and got me curious about lots of tech topics. It can be heavy going but start with reading only 8-10 pieces a week. It’s worth it.
📚 James Clear Weekly: James has written the exceptional Atomic Habits. He keeps is followers on the path by posting his 3-2-1 newsletter with plenty of inspiration.
📚 Joseph Pompliano’s Huddle up: A brilliant newsletter on the business of sports. American sport is a particular speciality with crystal clear analysis.
📚 LawInSport Newsletter: As a sports and football lawyer, this is my go-to newsletter for keeping up to date on the wide variety of topics from commercial deals, disputes, cases and trends.
📚 Paul Graham: I’m still trying to rack my brain as to how I stumbled upon Paul Graham’s blog. Needless to say, I’m glad I did. It’s sensational and I’ve read this one a good few times.
📚 Pet Berisha Sporting Crypto: Pet’s newsletter is one of the only authoritative places I go to understand everything sports, crypto, Web3, NFT, Web3 and blockchain.
🎧 Price of Football Podcast: University of Liverpool football finance lecturer Kieran Maguire and comedian Kevin Day follow the money to find out what’s really going on behind the scenes of the beautiful game. Kieran has also written the brilliant Price of Football book which is essential reading.
📚 Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic: This guy is a machine. He’s a brilliant author (I’d highly recommend Obstacle is the Way) and write a daily stoic newsletter. I’d start with this.
📚 Shaan Tweets: This five-tweet newsletter scours the internet for insight and plenty of humour.
📚 Stratechery by Ben Thompson: This guy is a digital tech wizz. Everything from streaming, Amazon, Apple, Shopify, AI and beyond. Massive industry-wide analysis and trends.
📚 The Athletic especially David Ornstein, Matt Slater and Raf Honigstein: The Athletic subscription is my must have. I probably consume more football, sports and business content from The Athletic than any other internet site.
📚 The Generalist by Mario Gabriele: Mario writes on raising capital, big brands, AI and consumer social media trends.
🎧 The Knowledge Project: Its host Shane Parrish interviews so many people on their life experiences, it’s actually a little hard to know where to begin. I’d recommend starting with Naval Ravikant.